I hate my music - CDr 2018 Agrandir l'image

I hate my music - CDr 2018

Nouveau produit

CDR - 2018
18 noise songs in english.

---- 11 euros PORT COMPRIS

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288 Produits

En stock - Envoi dans les 24H

11,00 €

En savoir plus

19 songs in english, mixing pop and noise.
Words, musics, production : jean-Louis Costes. January 2018
Voice, piano, guitar, electronic, samples, noises.

1 - One million songs
2 - Froggy Sony
3 - Just a cat to pet
4 - I hate noise
5 - Carrot fuckers
6 - Old naked guy
7 - Cheese steak
8 - I killed my baby
9 - Noise killer
10 - My dead baby
11 - Soon from the moon
12 - Shit in my brain
13 - Dead sperm
14 - Butthole
15 - My wife hates my music
16 - Cheese sex 
17 - Kill the chicken
18 - Stupid death on a stupid music
19 - Life is 10 seconds, death is one second